Shredded Brussels Sprouts


Starting a blog is a bit nerve-wracking. And my first post is a recipe for Brussels sprouts? I really know how to win friends and influence people!

This recipe, it’s a good one, I promise. My kids not only like it–they request it (seriously). It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s flexible enough you can use what you have on hand–my favorite kind of recipe! And Brussels sprouts are a great source of fiber, as well as Vitamin C and K.

Shredded Brussels Sprouts


1 lb Brussels sprouts

2-4 slices of bacon, chopped

1/2 cup walnuts

1/2 cup dried cranberries

1/4 cup feta

salt and pepper to taste


Wash Brussels sprouts. Remove the stalky bottom, shred sprouts using a food processor or box grater. Set aside.

Cook bacon until crisp, then remove bacon to paper towel until later. Add shredded sprouts to bacon grease and cook until bright green and softened. Add walnuts and cranberries to pan to heat through. Just before serving, add feta and bacon back to pan. Season with salt and pepper–the feta and bacon will add plenty of salt, so taste before seasoning.

This is great warm…I’ve also been known to eat it cold straight from the fridge.
